
Adds the objects that are enclosed within the specified area to the current selection list.

This command is new in PageMaker 6.5

Command constructor

PDragSelectExtend(long xLeft, long yTop, long xRight, long yBottom);
long xLeft;
x coordinate, relative to the current zero point, of the left side of the area to be selected in twips
long yTop;
y coordinate, relative to the current zero point, of the top side of the area to be selected in twips
long xRight;
x coordinate, relative to the current zero point, of the right side of the area to be selected in twips
long yBottom;
y coordinate, relative to the current zero point, of the bottom side of the area to be selected in twips
Example. Select all of the objects in the top inch and the bottom inch of the current page.

PDragSelect(0, 0, twips("8.5i"), twips("1i"));
PDragSelectExtend(0, twips("10i"), twips("8.5i"), twips("11i"));

See also

The PDragSelect, PSelect, PSelectAll, PSelectExtend, PSelectID, and PSelectIDExtend commands.

The PGetSelectIDList and PGetSelectInfo queries.

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